Festival 'hacks' - how to prepare
...to enjoy your Kizomba Festival! 🤩👍
Festival 'hacks' - how to prepare
...to enjoy your Kizomba Festival! 🤩👍
CHECK LISTS: Write your own checklist or use an existing one - to not feel like a fool who forgot basic items (again)..
2. tweak your plastik wrist band
...how to not 'injure' other dancers
3. wrist band removal
...how to get rid of your wristband after the festival
Wristbands are made to resist and normally they won't be easy to remove without a knife ..or super powers. This hack empowers even a child to pull it off easily:
Just search the hidden flap where both sides stick together and pull it like you see in the picture.
4. pimp my wrist band
...how to have a slick and easy customization
Just fold ist in half.