O R G A 'Kegelbahn'
There's the option to rent a German bowling alley (9 pins instead of 10)
For organizing there's a special WhatsApp-Group. There you can plan and organize times, teams, tickets and the place to meet up. Please pay for the bowling alley at the KiEZ reception as it's neither part of the Full Pass nor the Room price. Have fun!
fun facts for "Kegeln" (German bowling) aka "heathen killing"
- the bowling game is one of the oldest sports in the world. Precursers existed even in Ancient Egypt *(5500 years prior)*
- it was time and time again forbidden in the Middle Ages as it was seen as *blasphemy*! Since it was linked to excess of alcohol and gambling.
- Years later, in 1837, the forbidden practice of 9-pin "Kegeln" inspired the American "Bowling" in Hartfurt (Conneticut, USA): To circumvent the law a tenth pin was added and they were placed in a triangle formation.
source: Wikipedia
Bildrechte: KiEZ, Sebnitz